
Bilingual stories - featured

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The short story is about a boy of fifteen who becomes a Marathon Champion despite the

Hii hadithi fupi inazungumzia kijana ambaye anaibuka kuwa gwiji wa mbio za nyika inga


Man in White

哪里会想到那天有什么不一样呢? 那青年男子长衫雪白,手里一杆黑色长笛。 她不会让阿锦知道,她有多么爱慕那一袭飘飘的白衣,除了他,世上再没有哪个男人,能把白衣裳穿得那样

It was 1944. A young woman had a crush on her boarding school teacher, Mr. Yun, in wa



Daniel acaba de sufrir un desengaño amoroso. Toda su vida se ha visto trastocada y ne

Daniel is suffering from a failed relationship. His whole life is disrupted and he ne

The Sound Of Silence

El ruido del silencìo

Story of a young promise of classical music.

Historia de un jóven talento de musica clasica.

Think and Grow Rich: Thirteen Bombshells for Success

Pensez et Devenez Riches: Treize Principes de Réussite

Napoleon Hill devoted his entire life to uncovering the arcana of success; his pricel

Napoleon Hill a consacré sa vie entière à trouver et definir les principes de la réus

Journey to the centre of the earth (sample)

Voyage au centre de la Terre (sample)

Le classic histoire "Voyage au centre de la Terre"

The classic story "a journey to the centre of the Earth"

Pride and Prejudice Sample

Orgueil et Préjugés Les cinq filles de Mrs Bennet Sample

The english classic story

Le classic livre anglaise.

Lacrime di Drago

Dragon Tears

Se il tuo paese, il tuo migliore amico ed il tuo futuro fossero in pericolo, avresti

If your country, your best friend and your future were at danger, would you put your

De jongen met de gloeiende ogen

The boy with the glowing eyes

Doe een wens. Doe een wens en hoop dat hij uitkomt. De meeste wensen komen nooit uit

Make a wish. Make a wish, and hope it comes true. Most wishes don’t come true, howeve

He Sells his Friend

باع صديقه

An Indian laborer in Dubai commits suicide to get compensation money, but his friend

شاب هندي ينتحر في دبي لكي يحصل على تعويض ولكن صديقه لم يتصرف كما اتفقا عليه مما جعله

The Tree of Hope and Knowledge

شــــجرة الأمــل والمعرفـــة

The king killed the wise man because he did not pay taxes so the people rise against

الملك يقتل الحكيم لأنه لم يدفع له ضرائب فثار الشعب ضده

Что такое счастье?

What is happiness?

Что такое счастье? Существует ли счастье как универсальное понятие, или это лишь слов

What is happiness? Is happiness a universal term, or is it just a word for which ever

A Touch of Realism

Трішки реалізму

Hector Hugh Munro, a British writer and journalist, who published his works under the

Гектор Х'ю Манро, англійський письменник і журналіст, який друкував свої роботи під п

Il Suono Del Silenzio

The Sound Of Silence

Storia di una giovane promessa della musica classica.

Story of a young promise of classical music

A Poesia da Vida

The Poetry of Life

Um livro de poema que retrata a vida como ela é,e funciona como quer.Um livro que mos

A book which shows the life how it is,and works how wants.A book which shows the natu

Voyage au centre de la Terre (sample)

Journey to the centre of the earth (sample)

Le sujet du roman traite de la découverte d'un manuscrit runique ancien par un savant

The story involves German professor Otto Lidenbrock who believes there are volcanic t



Ang tula ay tungkol sa napakagandang pagtatakipsilim sa Pilipinas. Subalit higit pa s

The poem 'Sunset' is a description of a beautiful afterglow in the Philippines. But p

The Murders in the Rue Morgue

Der Doppelmord in der Rue Morgue

A short detective story by Edgar Allan Poe. C. Auguste Dupin investigates the myste

Eine Detektivgeschichte von Edgar Allan Poe. C. Auguste Dupin untersucht die myster

The Purloined Letter

Der entwendete Brief

The purloined letter is a short detective story written by Edgar Allan Poe. The main

Der entwendete Brief ist eine Detektivgeschichte von Edgar Allan Poe. Die Hauptperson

Atrapada por voluntad propia en la tierra de Pikachu

Trapped by my own will in Pikachu land

Harta de su aburrida rutina en la universidad, una chica de veintitrés años decide pa

Sick of her boring routine at school, a 23 year old girl decides to go for a 2-month

De Vliegende Hollander

The Flying Dutchman

De legende van het spookschip "De vliegende Hollander"

The legend of the ghost ship "The Flying Dutchman"



Androcles and the Lion is one of the worldfamous Aesop's fables, which date back to t

Androcles en de Leeuw is een van de wereldberoemde fabels van Aesop uit de vijfde eeu

الحي اليهودي بفاس المغرب سنة 1894

The Jewish quarter in Fez Morocco 1894

تحكي القصة تفاصيل الزيارة التي قام بها الرحالة الأمريكي بورتن هولمز إلى الحي اليهودي

The story tells the details of the trip made by the traveler Burton Holmes into the J

মেপল বৃক্ষ

Maple Tree

সবুজ প্রকৃতি রক্ষা করো

Save the green

خواطر عاشقة من برج العقرب

Reflections of a Scorpio Girl in Love

فتاة عاشقة من برج العقرب تروي قصة حبها وعذابها ومشاعرها تجاه زميلها في الدراسة

A Scorpio girl tells about her love story, torture and feelings towards her colleague

The Smuggler

El Contrabandista

The old man whom the journalist has come to interview is in turns polite and scornful

El anciano al cual el periodista va a entrevistar es a tiempos amable y en otros desd

জীবনের সংপ্রশ্ন

Challenge In Life

নারী শক্তি

Women empowerment and support girl child

Записки училки

Teacher’s Notes

Я - филолог, работаю учителем в пекинском колледже. Данное произведение является сбор

I am a philologist and I work as a teacher in Beijing College. This book is a set of

Tayo Na!

Its Us!

'Tayo Na' ay tula tungkol sa mga batang umiibig. Ito ay galing sa pagtugaygay sa mga

'Its Us' is a poem about young love. This is inspired from observing young people and

Madrid. Historia de un crimen.

Madrid. Story of a crime.

Las calles de Madrid ocultan un secreto.

The streets of Madrid hold a secret.

Butterfly Garden

Jardin A Papillons

A poignant story of a girl who, on a long spring night, goes on a journey to the end

L'histoire poignante d'une fille qui, pednant une nuit de printemps, fait un voyage à

A Visit From Saint Nicholas

Er la Vispera de Navidad

Christmas poem for children

Christmas poem for children

The Atlantis Union - part 1

De Atlantis Unie (Boek 1) - deel 1

The Atlantis Union is a 10,000-year-old organisation, founded after the destruction o

De Atlantis Unie is een 10.000-jaar oude organisatie, gesticht na de vernietiging van

رحلتنا إلى داخل فاس ولقاء فنتازيا الفرسان العرب

Our Journey Into Fez And The meeting Of The Fantasia of Arabs Knights

تسرد القصة حكاية لقاء الرحالة الأمريكي بورتن هولمز بفيلق من الفرسان المغاربة خلال رحل

The strory tells the tale of the meeting of the American traveler Burton Holmes with



Научно-фантастическая история. С нанотехнологиями микроскопический клещ может превра

Science fiction story. With nanotechnologies a microscopic mite may become an enormo


Was it...murder?

Misteri jangkitan leptospurosis. Kebetulan atau perancangan pembunuhan?

Mystery of the leptospirosis infection. Coincidence or a plan for murder?

The Declaration of Independence of The United States of America

La Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos

The Declaration of Independence is the usual name of a statement adopted by the Conti

La Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos, leída solemnemente en Filadelf

Aesop's Fables

Fábulas de Esopo

The world famous Aesop's fables date back to the 5th Century BC. Fables are short sto

El mundo famoso de las fabulas de Esopo nos lleva al siglo V, a.C.. Las fabulas son p



Camminavo lentamente lungo i corridoi dell’albergo. Le mani protese in avanti. Svolta

I walked slowly along the corridor of the hotel. My hands stuck out in front. Turn to



Рассказ «Бенгальские огни» был написан в 1945 году одним из любимейших детских писате

The story The Sparklers was written in 1945 by one of the most popular children's wri

Heimwee in tweevoud

Homesick twice

Sean houdt van zeilen. Op een zeilbeurs in Rotterdam kent hij zijn toekomstige brazil

Sean loves sailing. At a boat-exhibition in Rotterdam he meets his future brazilian w

Я там, где Свет свое заметил отражение…

Where the Light has sighted Its reflection... ...I am...

Эта история рассказывает о появлении чудотворной иконы и основана на городской легенд

This story tells about the appearance of a miracle-working icon and based on the city



Una raccolta di 9 poesie che rimandano ad alcuni dei più famosi episodi dell'Odissea.

A collection of 9 poems that refer to some of the most famous episodes of the Odyssey

Poems about the nature and human

Поэзия о природе и людях

Three poems in different styles. They tell about the relationship between a man and

Три стихотворения в разных стилях. Они повествуют о взаимоотношении человека с природ

A Visit From Saint Nicholas

Une Visite de Saint Nicolas

"A Visit from St. Nicholas", also known as "The Night Before Christmas" and " '​Twas

"A Visit from St. Nicholas", also known as "The Night Before Christmas" and " '​Twas

The crow and me

Ворон и я.

Three poems in different styles. It is a kind of mystic experience divided into three

Три стихотворения в разных стилях, связанных одной линией повествования, передающей н

Dad You Are No More

বাপি তুমি নেই !!

About my Dad who is no more

বাবা আজ আর নেই

L’élixir de longue vie

The Elixer of life

Dans un palais de Ferrare, le jeune Don Juan et le prince de la maison d'Este sont ré

Grand Duke Bartolommeo Belvidero is ninty years old and living in the princely palace

Old Father Christmas

Der alte Weihnachtsmann

A short Christmas story, taking place during the 19th century in England. Two young c

Eine Weihnacht-Kurzgeschichte, die im 19. Jahrhundert in England stattfindet. Zwei ju

My dear love

Моя дорогая любовь

This is a letter describing the nature of the relationships between a man and the lov

Это письмо, которое описывает природу отношений между мужчиной и любовью его жизни. О

Hardin Ng Tadhana

Garden Of Fate

Dumaranas tayo ng hirap sa buhay upang ang mga aral nito ay tumimo sa ating kaluluwa.

Sometimes life teaches us hard lessons so it will make a mark on our souls. This is a

Pride and Prejudice

Orgueil et Préjugés Les cinq filles de Mrs Bennet

Pride and Prejudice is a novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story fol

Orgueil et Préjugés (Pride and Prejudice) est un roman de la femme de lettres anglais

The Fall

Der Moment, in dem man Fällt

You don't know the young woman's name, or how she came to be falling from the 109th s

Du kennst den Namen der jungen Frau nicht, und weißt auch nicht, wie es dazu kam, das

Howe's Masquerade from Legends of the Province House

Маскарад у губернатора Хау из серии Легенды Губернаторского особняка

Once there was a Province House in Boston, which kept its secrets about the times of

Прежде в Бостоне существовал Губернаторский особняк, хранивший секреты времён Войны з

La Parure

The Necklace

L'une des nouvelles les plus connues du célèbre auteur Guy de Maupassant; l'histoire

One of the most famous short stories written by famous French author Guy de Maupassan

Mini-Collection of Short Stories: A Lady of Bayou St. John, The Story of an Hour, and Regret

Мини-сборник рассказов: Леди из Байу Сент-Джон, История одного часа, Сожаления

Kate Chopin was a U.S. author of short stories and novels. She is now considered by s

Кейт Шопен - американская писательница, творчество которой в основном составляют расс

Le Lièvre et la Tortue

The Hare and the Tortoise

L'histoire classic du livre et tortue.

The classic tale of the hare and the tortoise


A Grateful Heart

她想用整 个命去爱这里,爱这里的每一个人,她什么都愿意干她什么都愿意给。

A high school girl drops out to work at a factory, one of many that produces the late

The Smuggler

Die Schmugglerin

The old man whom the journalist has come to interview is in turns polite and scornful

Der alte Herr, den der Journalist interviewen soll, ist abwechselnd höflich und spott

Aesop's Fables

Le Favole di Esopo

The world famous Aesop's fables date back to the 5th Century BC. Fables are short sto

Le favole di Esopo, famose in tutto il mondo, risalgono al V Secolo a.C. La favola è

Mister Boombastic

Senhor Boombástico

Mister bombastic song from Shaggy.

Mister bombastic song from Shaggy.